Apps on your iPhone or Android aren’t just great for business – there are a ton of useful apps that help out with day-to-day tasks, make management easier, or provide services you never thought were possible with a phone.
So what are the newest and most exciting apps that you need to try out?
Take a look at these 8 apps; they may just be of service to you.
Security is a major concern these days, so what if you could use an app that would help keep your messages protected? Wickr creates an end-to-end encrypted communication channel with no vulnerabilities – even Wickr isn’t able to read your messages. It works just like standard messages with contact lists, photo messaging and more, but has a helpful self-destruct option so that messages don’t linger.
Do you want your children to read a classic book but not be subjected to the vulgar language it includes? Maybe you need to clean up a document or story for work. Using Clean Reader you can choose Clean, Cleaner or Squeaky Clean options – you’ll notice blank gray spaces where inappropriate words used to be. You can even select synonyms to replace the words with so sentences still make sense.
Apple and Android both offer great third-party camera apps that go beyond the limitations of built-in cameras. For Apple there’s Manual and Android’s best bet is Camera F5-V. They both allow you to manually set exposure, timing, focus and white balance along with many other features.
Most apps are collecting and storing your personal information, from GPS location to contacts and messages. MyPermissions scans major apps like Twitter, Facebook, games and other services to see what personal info each is collecting and what they’re sharing.
Facebook Riff is a new app that lets you record short videos and then post them. Your friends can then add their own clips to yours; their friends can do the same, and so on. You can basically tell a long story with each friend adding their own bits.
Digital documents are incredibly convenient – easier to create, edit, share. With Office Lens, you can use your smartphone or tablet’s camera to snap photos of a document, whiteboard or photo. The app automatically detects corners, resized, crops and enhances quality. The app also comes with a ton of handy other business features.
Have you heard of the navigation app called Waze? It takes information from other users of the app to help you avoid traffic, accidents and other obstacles on the road. Waze recognized your most-used routes and finds ways to get you around potential trouble spots. If you get stuck in traffic, the app will calculate approximately how long you’ll be in your position.
There’s a new non-profit app available that allows sighted people to “lend their eyes” to people with visual impartments by using video chat. Be My Eyes was developed to connect blind people to sighted volunteers through video chat – the volunteer answers questions about the blind persons surroundings by viewing their camera. It’s a unique and innovate way to help others, and you can be a part of it.
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