It’s Time to Spring Clean Your Technology – Schedule a Network Evaluation Before It’s Too Late!
Whether you’re cleaning out the attic, getting rid of old furniture, or simply organizing your household, spring cleaning is a great feeling – it’s getting ready for a new start that leaves you feeling refreshed. Why stop there? Spring cleaning can also be done to your technology!
Call OffSite IT at (866) 828- and our team of IT professionals will come in and spring clean for you! 6674
Have you ever done spring cleaning on your technology? If not, it’s time to start! You’ve seen the news: cyber attacks and data breaches are happening each and every day all over the world; and when our IT professionals come in and spring clean for you, we perform a complete network evaluation to uncover potential:
- Unapplied patches
- Missed/failed backups
- Undetected malware infections
- Antiquated hardware
- User and/or application problems
- And more
According to recent studies, 1 in 4 organizations have malware lurking on their network. If you haven’t spring cleaned your technology and had a thorough network evaluation performed, yours might be one of them! At the end of the day, you’re investing in your information technology, and you simply can’t afford to leave it vulnerable.
If potential issues are uncovered early on, they’re relatively simple and affordable to fix, however, if they’re found long after they’ve started, it’s likely going to be more costly and timely to resolve. Our team of IT professionals will come in, perform a thorough network evaluation, uncover potential issues, and help you resolve those issues as soon as possible.
Schedule your network evaluation and let our team of IT professionals help you uncover hidden issues before they become costly emergencies. Call (866) 828- or send us an email: .